Patricia A. O'Malley

Social Policy & Programs Consulting

Training and Services for agencies working toward social and economic justice


Our American Journalists Are Failures
They Promote Donald Trump’s Biggest Scam.
March 3, 2025


Journalism used to be an honorable profession.  But our Fourth Estate causes more damage to our country with their coverage of the Trusk twins’ stunts than those two imbeciles could ever dream of.

I’ve always been very political; I used to watch the news constantly.  And I vote.  I haven’t missed an election since my first in 1972.  During my career as a paralegal, social worker, and lobbyist, I learned how our government really works.  And how it’s supposed to work.  And how it doesn’t work.  I didn’t learn any of it in school.

 These are brief descriptions of constitutional powers and duties.  For details, read the Constitution.

Everything in every layer and level of our government stems from our Constitution.  

The founders wrote the Constitution to create the government. 
It says that we will have a Congress, a President, and Courts. 
It defines the requirements to hold those jobs, and what powers each has.
It says that every person employed in any capacity at any level of government – federal, state, or local –  must swear an oath to uphold the constitution. 
Not to the president, or his friends, or to any person.  To the United States Constitution.

It includes the process to change or add to it.  It’s been amended 27 times in 238 years.
The Supremacy Clause in Article VI says that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. 
All laws, rules, and actions in the United States must obey the Constitution.

It does not give ANY government official – including the president – immunity from prosecution for crimes.
It does not mention political parties at all.

Article I, Section 1 defines Congress:
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Thus, it’s the Legislative Branch.  There is no such thing as “Congress and the Senate”.

The full Article outlines Congressional composition, duties, powers, and constraints, along with a handful of others listed elsewhere.  Its power includes imposing taxes, declaring war, ratifying treaties, regulating commerce, establishing and maintaining the army, navy, and Postal Service.  Congress must approve nearly every act.  

The United States can’t spend a dime without congressional approval. 
The Elastic Clause gives them broad powers to do things not specifically listed.

The Senate minority party can delay or end abuses of majority power. THIS is why we still need the filibuster. 

But Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) doesn’t have the private parts to use it.





The 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, says that each state certifies its own votes.
Congress gathers only to tally the vote totals and to HEAR those results.
Congress has no authority whatsoever to overthrow, change, or reject those results.
The 2022 Electoral Count Reform Act is pure political theater. 

Again. The Supremacy Clause in Article VI rules. 

Not one word in the Constitution gives Congress the power to dump electoral results.
And our media keeps spreading this lie.

Article II lists the presidential requirements and powers.
S/he is our chief executive, and is responsible for executing the laws passed by Congress.
Thus, the Executive Branch.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 specifically authorizes the president to appoint people to some positions without Senate confirmation.  But our media refuses to report that fact.

The president can NOT decide when or where to spend money, and can not withhold money that Congress has appropriated.  But our media refuses to report that fact.

The president is NOT immune to prosecution for crimes.  Section III, Clause 7 specifically permits criminal trial, conviction, and imprisonment.  But our media refuses to report that fact.

The president leads the executive branch of government.

The executive branch manages the country's daily business through the cabinet.
Executive Orders are not laws. Presidents don't make laws. Congress does.
Presidents issue the orders to give specific instructions to their employees to implement those laws.

The concept of an executive order is constitutionally valid. 
However, no Order may violate any existing law or constitutional principle.  There’s that pesky Article VI again.
But our media refuses to report that fact.

Donald Trump created the “Department of Government Efficiency” via Executive Order 14158 on January 20, 2025. 

It’s supposed to modernize “Federal technology and software to maximize governmental efficiency and productivity."
DOGE is not an actual department of the United States government.  Only Congress can create those. 

DOGE is just another advisory council.

The Order specifically claims that it won’t violate any existing law or executive agency authority, including the Office of Management and Budget.
“This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.”
And yet, several federal courts have held that it violates many existing laws and contracts.
So the text is pretty innocuous, but the practice is blatantly illegal.
But, the media won’t report that either.

A BlueSky contributor known as Machine Pun Kelly has produced an excellent video explaining DOGE. 

It’s on YouTube at the link below.

Many people complain that Elon Musk hasn’t been elected to anything.  True.  But Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 allows the president to appoint some staffers and advisors without Senate confirmation.   According to NPR, Musk is an unpaid  “Special Government Employee”.  The link to that article is below, too.

Our courts, the Judicial Branch, are supposed to settle disputes according to the law and the constitution. 

While most of the lower courts are doing their best to comply, the Republican majority on the Unite States Supreme Court has drunk Trump’s Kool aid and trips over themselves to stroke his infantile ego.

Now, a note to our media. 

I can’t watch your reports because they’re repulsive.  Trump and the Musketeers are bad enough, but you people are a disgrace – as journalists, Americans, and human beings.  Responsible journalism simply doesn’t exist. 

You pose for cameras to report “facts” with puckered expressions of concern, but refuse to speak a single word of opposition or context.  

You don’t care that Trump is a liar.
You don’t care that most Americans don’t know this stuff – because our schools deliberately suck.
You just roll on with your bogus reports as though every little thing he does is normal and acceptable. 
You exploit the public’s civic and political illiteracy to spread his lies.
You are all guilty of negligence and dereliction of duty.

Jim Acosta tried to do right, and CNN rewarded him with unemployment.

Republicans have no morals.  
Democrats have no courage. 
But you people are supposed to have both. 
Get some.

SHAME ON YOU.  Do better.

Read the Constitution
What is the Constitution Anyway?
Community Matters:  U.S. Congress

Congressional Powers and the Elastic Clause
Congress Doesn’t Certify or Reject Electoral College Results
Executive Orders and the U.S. Constitution
Machine Pun Kelly:  5 Things Everyone Should Know About DOGE
NPR:  Trump hired Musk as a 'special government employee.' Here's what that means
Teachers and Journalists Created Americans’ Political Ignorance
Defective Teaching Methods Produce American Political Ignorance

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Patricia A. O'Malley
Social Policy & Programs Consulting    ~    Community Matters
412-310-4886    ~
Copyright Patricia A. O'Malley    ~    All rights reserved
Established 1993